Postage $aver sorts one or more data files according to U.S. postal service (USPS) requirements for third class bulk mail. Postage $aver produces a complete report showing the composition of all mail packages and mail sacks, and the piece counts and postage totals necessary for completing post office bulk mailing statements. Postage $aver can also create an output file containing sort keys by sack and package, along with postal endorsement lines for printing on address labels or envelopes. Postage $aver’s sort routine exceeds USPS requirements, to help your mail move faster, and Postage $aver calculates USPS “entry discounts”, so you save additional money. Postage $aver also automatically rejects and lists any zip codes that are not in proper five-digit or nine-digit form, or which are not on the USPS chart of valid three-digit zip code areas. At the user's option, each zip code will also be checked against its state, and in many cases, its city, to insure accurate addressing.